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7 Creative And Dynamic Website Designs Of The Year

7 Creative And Dynamic Website Designs Of The Year

Having a website just doesn't cut it anymore. Most businesses on the internet tend to have afully-fledged website nowadays. This is why there is a need for website designs to stand outfrom the internet that is chock full of generic websites. We understand if you're...

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What Is Evergreen Content Strategy & Why You Need It

What Is Evergreen Content Strategy & Why You Need It

We’ve all heard the phrase “content is king” when it comes to search engine optimization and connecting with your customers. However, that doesn’t mean that just any content is going to be acceptable for driving engagement, increasing user retention, and connecting...

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2020 Changes To SEO Algorithms

2020 Changes To SEO Algorithms

If you’ve been in the SEO game for a while then you know that the Google algorithm is constantly changing. What worked ten years ago in the industry is effectively obsolete today. For example, remember the days when companies would throw a bunch of keywords in white...

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The Difference Between UX And UI Web Design

The Difference Between UX And UI Web Design

If you’re looking at reworking your website with web design services, you’ve probably heard the terms UX and UI thrown around. But what in the world are these seemingly nebulous concepts? Do they actually stand for something or are they just words that web designers...

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Why Do All SEO Tools Generate Different Data?

Why Do All SEO Tools Generate Different Data?

SEO is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy today. It’s something that will take a bit of time and effort to get going, but once it starts working, it works really well. Every business is looking to drive traffic to its website, but it needs the...

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How COVID-19 Is Impacting Big Business

How COVID-19 Is Impacting Big Business

With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting big businesses everywhere, the question is, how significant is the impact on them? Well, we’ve been looking at the data, and here’s what we found. Obviously, the economic impacts have been significant, with shoppers making major...

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